Alumni News

Your Voice

We want to hear from you. Use the prompts below to share your stories and your news. 

The Writing Prompt

One of the most beloved sections of the previous Bennington Magazine included alumni-written pieces produced in response to a prompt. We would like to keep this tradition.

Cora Cohen ’64 passed away in June 2023. In an entry on her website dated 2022, she wrote about how the COVID-19 pandemic inspired her to go back to unfinished paintings and drawings. 

“My sense that life was not infinite, and that what I had not finished might never get finished unless I finished it right away, took over,” she wrote. “Because they had been begun at different periods, I saw them as bridges between past and present, between the past and a radically uncertain future.”

In honor of Cohen, we ask, what has spurred you to finish the unfinished? 

Writers whose work is chosen for publication will receive an honorarium. Send your proposal to by February 1.  


Annotated Space: The Commons

Tell us your memories of The Commons. In 50 words or fewer, share what happened here, who you met, or what it means to you in retrospect. Responses may be edited for length and clarity. Send to by February 1.

Commons at Bennington College
The Commons

Class Notes

We know that Class Notes is one of the most popular sections of Bennington Magazine. We want to know what you are up to and so do your classmates. Please share professional and personal accomplishments with photos to for inclusion in upcoming editions of Class Notes.

Please submit by February 1.