Faculty News

David Anderegg The Psychological Perspective

In November, Public Seminar, an on-line forum hosted by the New School for Social Research, posted an opinion piece by David Anderegg called "From A Despised Elitist." The forum promotes work that confronts "the pressing issues of the day and fundamental problems of the human condition." In the article, Anderegg discusses the liberal/conservative divide from a psychological perspective. 

Counterpunch Hultgren, Post-Election

On November 17, 2016, CounterPunch published a piece by faculty member John Hultgren on "The Working Class, Reconsidered." 

Josh Blackwell Solo Show Neveruses Report Progress

Faculty member Josh Blackwell '95 will have a solo show at Museum of Arts and Design in New York City this winter from November 15 through February 19, 2017.  Neveruses Report Progress is based on "interventions into and upon the form of the plastic bag—a globally ubiquitous symbol of capitalist waste."

Inside Higher Ed In Praise of Pop-Ups In Praise of Pop-Ups

Inside Higher Ed wrote about Bennington’s pop-up courses, highlighting the flexibility of the model, and the breadth the pop-up courses offered by faculty members across the disciplines.

Dorset Theatre Fest. DTF Nominated for Award

Dorset Theater Festival, headed by Artistic Director Dina Janis, was nominated for the first ever Berkshire Theatre Awards. The award ceremony took place on November 13 at Mr. Finn's Cabaret in Pittsfield, Mass and including performances by acclaimed actors such as Debra Jo Rupp.