Convocation Podcast

—Submission Deadline: August 25, 2020—

For Convocation this year, we wanted to do something more intimate and collaborative; something that makes creative use of remote technology and meets everyone in this community wherever they happen to be at the start of this term.

To that end, we want to hear from you, Bennington students, for a Convocation Podcast. The responses we get will be included in the final production, though we don't know precisely what that will look like just yet. Your contributions will help determine the outcome, so we can't wait to hear from you.

If you would like to contribute, please make an audio recording (five seconds or less in length) with your answer one of these questions. This could be a few salient words, a short poem, a poignant song lyric, a brief sentence, etc. These recordings will be shared with the larger Bennington community, so please submit appropriate content only.

- What does community mean to you?
- What defines Bennington as a distinct community?
- How do we achieve connection/togetherness now?

We look forward to your response!