Middlebury Language Schools

Summer 2022, Bennington College will host the Middlebury Language Schools Arabic, Italian, and Portuguese programs on our campus. Below are answers to questions our community may have.

If you have any additional questions about the Middlebury Language Schools residency on our campus, please email Angel Kwasniak, Director of Operations


When will Middlebury be on campus? 

Middlebury Language Schools programs will be utilizing campus from June 19 to August 22, 2022.

Which spaces will they occupy? 

Most campus spaces will be used exclusively by Middlebury programs.  Exceptions include: 

  • Shared spaces that can be utilized by Middlebury as well as Bennington community members.  These include: Crossett Library, Meyer Rec Barn, Commons Lounge, and Roz’s Cafe, as well as some miscellaneous spaces in particular buildings (please see contact information above for specific questions).  
  • Specialized spaces that require technical assistance from a faculty member or technical instructor are excluded, unless prior arrangements have been made.


Can students get housing on campus? 

Housing will only be available to students who have been hired in approved work positions with the College.  These include positions that support the Middlebury program, and certain key administrative departments such as Admissions.  


If I am working on campus, how will it impact me? 

Administrative staff offices will not be impacted. The primary impact to faculty and students will be lack of access to spaces that are committed for use by the Middlebury Language Schools programs (see above). If you have specific questions, please reach out (see contact information below).  


Can I still get meals in the dining hall? 

Yes.  Bennington community members will be able to purchase meals on a take-out basis only. Middlebury programs have exclusive use of the dining hall inside Commons. Hearing and speaking only the language they are studying is a critical part of Middlebury's immersive model. We thank you for your support.


If I can't eat in the dining hall, where can I eat? 

The Bennington Community can eat outdoors, in their offices, and in common areas located in administrative spaces. Meals can also be brought to the shared spaces listed above.  


If I'm working on campus, can I still live on campus? 

All students who have applied for positions on campus this summer would have had to apply through Handshake, and work for the College during the Language Schools, or a few other areas that have a critical need for summer help.


Can I (students or faculty) access studios and shops this summer? 

Students will not have access to studio locations, but if they are doing an independent study, there is an application process in place for approval.  Interested students should contact Angel Kwasniak, who can share further information about this process.   

Faculty will have access to their offices, and some of their spaces.  The classroom schedule has been distributed to all area coordinators to share with faculty members. 


What spaces are available to the public? 

Crossett Library will remain open to the public.

The campus landscape and pathways will remain available to all, as usual.   


Will Middlebury guests abide by community covid policies?  

  • Yes. Bennington will be transitioning to a test to treat model of testing at the conclusion of this term, and we will be working directly with Middlebury Language Schools’ team to ensure policies and protocols are in place and compatible across institutions.