Caitlin McDonough MacKenzie

Caitlin McDonough MacKenzie is a plant ecologist studying the impacts of climate change on forests and alpine habitats.
McDonough MacKenzie is a plant ecologist with roots in conservation. Her research draws on natural history, field manipulations, historical ecology, and paleoecology to understand and predict the ecological impacts of climate change on plant communities. She is particularly interested in New England alpine plant communities, ecological consequences of phenological asynchrony, and applied conservation work. Her publications have appeared in peer-reviewed journals including Ecology, Ecology Letters, Northeastern Naturalist, Ecosphere, Applications in Plant Science, American Journal of Botany, Biological Conservation, Conservation Letters, and Rhodora and her research has been funded by the National Science Foundation, the Waterman Foundation, George Melendez Wright Fellowship, David H. Smith Conservation Fellowship, and Schoodic Second Century Stewardship Fellowship.
McDonough MacKenzie is on the Council of the New England Botanical Society and chairs their Graduate Student Research Award committee. BA Harvard University; MS University of Vermont; PhD Boston University; postdoctoral work University of Maine.
McDonough MacKenzie joined the Bennington faculty in Fall 2023.