Thorsten Dennerline

Image of Thorsten Dennerline

Thorsten Dennerline produces paintings, drawings, and artists’ books. The main focus of his work originates from an interest in poetry, which has led to collaborative projects with writers in book form, and in paintings and drawing projects that explore the poetic possibilities of the landscape.


Dennerline produces paintings, drawings, and artists’ books. The main focus of all the work originates from an interest in poetry and the relationship between text and image. This has led to collaborative projects with writers in book form and paintings and drawing projects that explore the poetic possibilities of the landscape.

He received a BFA from the University of Massachusetts in 1994 and an MFA from Syracuse University in 1997. His prints and books are included in numerous collections including the Saint Louis Art Museum, Kunstindustri Museet in Copenhagen Denmark, Mortimer Rare Book Room at Smith College, Yale University Library, University of Vermont Special Collections, the Library of Congress, The Getty Research Institute, and libraries at Stanford University and UCLA. His paintings have been exhibited in Chile, Denmark, and the United States.

In 2000, he was awarded a one-year Fulbright grant for research and study abroad in which he produced a large body of paintings and a collaborative book project with Chilean printmakers. He has been a resident artist at the MacDowell Colony, New Hampshire (2005), Frans Masereel Center in Belgium (2008), and most recently at Læsø Artists’ Studio, Læsø, Denmark (2011).

Dennerline has taught at Southern Illinois University and the University of Notre Dame. He joined the faculty at Bennington in 2006.


Martha Graham Bennington Museum
outside view of VAPA in the fall
The Roots of Poetry Art in Print