The Greater Humanity of Things
The latest tour of electronic/folk duo Sylvan Esso, featuring vocalist-songwriter Amelia Meath '10, includes a sold-out show at MassMoCA on March 31.

The Boston Globe recently interviewed Meath about the band's 2017 album What Now, a follow-up to their 2014 self-titled debut.
“The bigger things get, you have a lot more opinions being thrown at you all the time and you have to remember that the only reason you are where you are is because of the decisions you and your original team made,” Meath said. “But there’s no one around telling us to change who we are. And the only reason we got here is by being ourselves.”
The Berkshire Eagle also covered Sylvan Esso's rise to prominence and the duo's skilled combination of dance-friendly, synth-filled tracks with thoughtful, folk-inspired lyrics.
"When spectators find themselves cavorting to Sylvan Esso's tracks Saturday night at Mass MoCA's Hunter Center, they may find themselves pausing to considers the tunes' significance," Benjamin Cassidy wrote.
Sylvan Esso's "Radio" lives between words — both digital and analog, exact and imprecise.
Jeremy D. Goodwin in The Boston Globe