Ginger Lin

Ginger Lin, a native of Taiwan, has 30 years of experience teaching at the cross-section of language, literature, history, and philosophy.
Lin, a native of Taiwan, has more than 30 years of teaching experience in the areas of language, literature, history and philosophy. She has taught Mandarin and Chinese philosophy to foreign students at the National Cheng Gong University Chinese Language Center as well as Chinese literature and history classes at Kao Yuan, Shu De, and Hai Yang Universities in Taiwan. Since coming to the United States, she has done interpreting for upstate New York courts and school districts. She was lead teacher for the Chinese component of the Washington-Saratoga-Warren-Hamilton-Essex BOCES Start Talk Summer Language Immersion and Culture program in Saratoga, New York. From the fall of 2007 to 2011, she taught Chinese language at Emma Willard School in Troy, New York. Her book Maxims of China's Past Dynasties was published in 2003 by the Jin-An Company, Taiwan. BA, MA, National Cheng Gong University, Taiwan. She has taught at Bennington in the Isabelle Kaplan Center for Languages and Culture since Spring 2009.