Michael Wimberly: Related Content
While students embark on Field Work Term, an annual work-learning term during which students gain hands-on experience and test their classroom ideas in the world of work, Bennington faculty and staff offer their reading recommendations to keep everyone’s intellectual juices flowing wherever they are.
Music performances and documentary screening create a vibrant program of Milford Graves events.
Milford Graves: A Mind-Body Deal, a nationally traveling exhibition, gathers the multifaceted work of Milford Graves (1941-2021) to explore the practices and predilections of an extraordinary jazz innovator, tireless polymath, and legendary Bennington College professor.
While students embark on Field Work Term, an annual work-learning term during which students gain hands-on experience and test their classroom ideas in the world of work, Bennington faculty and staff offer their reading recommendations to keep everyone’s intellectual juices flowing wherever they are.
On Saturday, June 3, 152 members of Bennington College’s Class of 2023 gathered, along with their family members and friends, faculty, and leadership, under a large tent on a green expanse of lawn at the southern end of campus to receive their degrees.
The artist, curator, urbanist, and facilitator Theaster Gates was in residence at Bennington College in April, speaking to students, faculty, and staff about making place and making change, the two driving forces of his work. The highlight of his time on campus was the Adams–Tillim Lecture, which he delivered on April 25. By Aruna D'Souza
During Fall term 2018, Crossett Library set up a display of suggestion cards, inviting students to suggest ways to make the library more inclusive.
“Bring back the Black Library,” wrote Deja’ Haley ’20.
This fall, the Bennington community welcomed over 250 new students to the College.
Faculty Speaker Michael Wimberly addressed the Class of 2021 at Bennington College's 86th Commencement.
In January 2021, faculty member Michael Wimberly participated in the third residency of A Nation Grooves—a dance-centered theater piece that used oral history to tell an origin story of hip-hop—held at MASS MoCA.
On September 4, 2018, the Bennington community gathered to celebrate the start of the academic year and welcome over 200 new first-year students to the College.
On September 3, 2019, the Bennington community gathered to celebrate the start of the academic year and welcome over 180 new students to the College.
Originally released as a podcast on B-Rad radio on May 3, 2020, enjoy this eclectic playlist of performances and compositions by Bennington music faculty on SoundCloud.
Music faculty member Michael Wimberly's class performs every Wednesday for patients in the Centers for Living and Rehabilitation at Southwestern Vermont Medical Center." We often lose sight of the fact that it's not just medicine that keeps you well," SVMC director of planning James Trimarch told the Bennington Banner. "It's this. It's music, love, activities with your friends." See the Bennington Banner for full coverage.
While students embark on Field Work Term, an annual work-learning term during which students gain hands-on experience and test their classroom ideas in the world of work, Bennington faculty offer their reading recommendations to keep everyone’s intellectual juices flowing wherever they are.
Two classes, one big assignment: exhibit, catalogue, and archive black lives at Bennington in a multimedia performance exhibition in Usdan Gallery by Briee Della Rocca.
Black Spring, an exhibition organized by current students representing past, present, and future black lives at Bennington, will be on view in Usdan Gallery until May 9.
Kitty Brazelton’s new song-cycle, The Art of Memory, which she hopes to perform on campus in 2017, is very much a Bennington affair.