Postbac Premedical: Related Content

Dr. Brian Rothstein postbac ’05 discusses the influence Bennington College’s Postbac Premedical Program had on his career as a pediatric neurosurgeon at Rainbow Babies and Children’s Hospital in Cleveland, OH.

Christian Romero postbac ’17 discusses the influence Bennington College’s Postbac Premedical Program had on his decision to work as a Registered Behavior Technician (RBT) and pursue ADHD coach training.

As Bennington College’s Postbac Premedical Program celebrates its 40th anniversary this year, Eileen Wilentz ’73 postbac ’85 reflects on the role Bennington’s program played in her pursuit of her Doctorate in Veterinary Medicine.

Rebecca Fine postbac ’16 and Chase Phillips postbac ’16 discuss how Bennington College’s Postbaccalaureate Premedical Program prepared them for their experiences in dental school.

Charles Dong postbac '18 discusses how Bennington College’s Postbaccalaureate Premedical Program prepared him for medical school.

While previous research has focused on the perspectives of dental students and practitioners, “little has been done on the perspective of the LGBT community.” Chase Phillips postbac '16, now a student at Virginia Commonwealth University School of Dentistry, is changing that.

Barbara Rice postbac '96 has been appointed Assistant Secretary for Economic Development by New York Governor Andrew Cuomo.

The ASCO Post featured an article on Barrie Cassileth '59, who they hailed as a "pioneer in oncology."

Janet Foley applies her expertise in inorganic chemistry to study the effects of pollutants in Vermont groundwater, to understand the effects of ocean acidification on coral reefs, and to explore the photochemistry and medicinal applications of gold compounds.

With a coach’s approach to science teaching, Abbey Killam works closely with students in chemistry, cell biology, and other scientific fields in the lab and in their independent work.

An inorganic chemist, John Bullock investigates the reaction pathways and mechanisms of short-lived species generated at electrodes. He is also interested in reforming the undergraduate chemistry curricula by de-emphasizing traditional boundaries between sub-disciplines within the field.

David Norman works with faculty and students to make possible the innovative teaching and learning that goes on in the Dickinson Science Building, whether it means designing an instrument to demonstrate an experiment, or keeping its labs and equipment humming.

Amie McClellan is a cell biologist who utilizes baker’s yeast with a very serious goal in mind: to explore how “molecular chaperones” participate in helping proteins attain and maintain their structure and function, and how this relates to human diseases that arise when this process goes awry.

Tim Schroeder applies physical and chemical principles to understand interactions between deep-Earth and shallow-Earth systems. His courses are based on the idea that geology begins as an observational science, but that understanding Earth observations requires a physical sciences context.

Elizabeth Sherman is known for her work on amphibians and, more recently, on coral reefs and climate change; she collaborates with student researchers in her study of how animals work — both individually and as part of larger ecosystems.

The work of astronomer Hugh Crowl addresses questions of how the massive collections of stars, gas, dust, and dark matter that we call galaxies assemble. How do galaxies form and evolve? Specifically, how do environmental conditions such as the flow of gas in and out of galaxies affect that process?