Event Calendar
Pick a DateMilford Graves: A Mind-Body Deal

This nationally touring exhibition gathers the many-layered and multifaceted work of Milford Graves and explores the practices and predilections of an extraordinary jazz innovator.
The Academy of American Poets Prize
The 2024 Academy of American Poets Prize Submission Deadline is Thursday, May 2, 2024. All undergraduate students are eligible to enter.
First-Year Course Selection Fall 2024 Q&A: New Student event
New Student Event: Q&A about course registration
Breaking the Bennington Bubble: A dialogue on free speech and echo chambers

This community dialogue invites students, staff, faculty, and administration to discuss the question "Is Bennington an echo chamber?" along with other subjects related to free speech. A keynote speech will be given by the Foundation for Individual Rights and Expression (FIRE) program officer, Josh Haverlock.
The Plan: A Bennington College Pecha Kucha brought to you by SEPC
Learn more about 6-8th term student plans across the College. Each presenter will share their plan through images in this fast-paced format. Stay for a snack on the lawn and learn more about SEPC. Open to Bennington Community only.
First Annual Catamount Country: A Subversively Bennington Line Dance & Two-step Hoedown!
Open to Bennington College community. First Annual Catamount Country: a subversively Bennington line dance & two-step hoedown!