Beyond Black and White, Race or Religion: The Asian American Story and Why It Matters Today

Setsuko Sato Winchester
Monday, Apr 15 2024, 7:00 PM - 8:00 PM, CAPA Symposium
Cultural Studies and Languages Programs

Cultural Studies and Language Series - Spring 2024
Monday, Apr 15 2024 7:00 PM Monday, Apr 15 2024 8:00 PM America/New_York Beyond Black and White, Race or Religion: The Asian American Story and Why It Matters Today OPEN TO THE PUBLIC | This talk will focus on the American history inspired ceramic multi-media artwork of Setsuko Sato Winchester called “The Freedom from Fear/Yellow Bowl Project.” CAPA Symposium Bennington College

OPEN TO THE PUBLIC | This talk will focus on the American history inspired ceramic multi-media artwork of Setsuko Sato Winchester called “The Freedom from Fear/Yellow Bowl Project.” During times of war, but particularly during WWII, when this country was fighting for Four Freedoms for everyone, anywhere in the world, the Four Freedoms were not necessarily provided to everyone right here in the United States. The rule of law, democracy, whose freedoms or fears were protected, depended primarily on who you were—not what you did. A close look at how U.S. human and civil rights really worked during this time will help set a precedent as well as follow a pattern of laws which came before and continues to happen today.

Japanese American artist and historian Setsuko Sato Winchester is the creator of the Freedom from Fear/Yellow Bowl Project.