FAQ for Students

Last updated on July 17, 2024

Fall 2024

Arrival testing for the fall term

We ask that all students, faculty, and staff who have been off campus during the summer to self-test prior to arriving on campus, by taking two rapid antigen tests 48 hours apart, beginning 72 hours in advance of your planned arrival to campus. Do not return to campus if you are feeling ill or you test positive. Negative results do not need to be reported to the College; the honor system will be used.

What to do if you test positive

If either test returns a positive result, follow these steps.  

  • Students: Students who test positive or experience symptoms of COVID should contact Health Services.
  • Faculty & Staff: Faculty and staff who test positive or become sick with COVID-19 related symptoms should self-isolate at home. Please reach out to Human Resources as needed if you have questions or need support. 

Travel to campus 

If you are traveling on public transit, please mask, utilize social distancing and frequent hand sanitizer or hand washing. 

Mask friendly campus policy

The College continues to be a “mask friendly” campus, and this policy will continue for the fall. Masks are welcome and encouraged for anyone who wishes to continue to wear one, but are no longer required (unless you are a confirmed close contact or have left isolation for COVID within the last 5 days). 

Vaccination Policy

All Bennington faculty, staff and students should follow CDC guidelines regarding COVID vaccinations and remain up to date on their boosters. However, as of August 15, 2023 the College no longer requires verification of vaccination. Bennington College reserves the right to change COVID policies at any time based on local, state and federal recommendations.

Boosters and Flu Vaccinations

Vaccinations for the flu will be offered for students at the Student Health Center when available. Please contact healthservices@benningon.edu for more information

On-campus testing 

Students experiencing symptoms of COVID-19 will be able to access rapid antigen tests through the Health Center during term. Please do not go to class or attend planned activities, but instead isolate in place and contact healthservices@bennington.edu to procure a rapid antigen test. Employees experiencing symptoms of COVID-19 should not come to work.

Student isolation on campus

Students who test positive for COVID-19 will be asked to isolate in place. Detailed instructions will be given by Student Life. For students who have roommates, we will have alternate housing for the isolation period for the COVID negative roommate. 

Campus events & visitors

Campus events can now be held fully in person, and visitors are asked to be up to date on their vaccinations. We also ask that visitors who are experiencing COVID-like symptoms refrain from coming on campus. A hybrid option is only necessary if an event is a class requirement and includes remote students. 


You can direct related questions to the COVID taskforce at alitartaglia@bennington.edu.

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