Lifetime Giving of $1M+
We extend our deepest gratitude to the following extraordinary individual donors who have, over the course of their lifetime, given $1 million or more to Bennington College.
- Anonymous (5)
- Richard and Pamela Ader
- Priscilla Alexander '58
- Kathleen Fisk Ames '69
- John and Penny Barr P'01
- Rosalind Moger Bernheimer '62, G'27 and Walter Bernheimer II G'27
- Karen Johnson Boyd '46 and William Boyd
- Elizabeth Brown '37
- Suzanne Kennedy Brown '53
- Davis Educational Foundation
- Barbara Ushkow Deane '51 and Maurice Deane
- William Q. Derrough
- Elizabeth Harrington Dickinson '43 and Fairleigh Dickinson
- Alice Pulsifer Doyle '39
- Endeavor Foundation
- Estate of Hall Park McCullough
- Ruth Dewing Ewing '37, P'74
- Dorothy T. Peck Flynn G '77
- Estate of Thomas H. Foster
- Helen Frankenthaler Foundation
- Helen Frankenthaler '49 and Stephen M. Dubrul
- Emma Swan Hall '37
- Alfred Harcourt Foundation
- Nancy Harrow '52, G'20 and Jan Krukowski G'20
- Janet Frey Harte '44 and Edward Harte
- Margot S. Hartman-Tenney '55, P '81
- Judith Rosenberg Hoffberger '54
- John and Charlotte Kenney
- Alan Kornberg '74
- Frances Wells Magee '51
- Carola Manning McEachren '40 and John McEachren
- Andrew W. Mellon Foundation
- Albert W. Merck and Katharine Evarts Merck '46
- Melissa Saltman Meyer '65
- Kathleen Harriman Mortimer '40
- Kathleen Oliver Parker '47
- Riva Poor '56, P '79
- Estate of Signa Lynch Read '79
- Carolyn Crossett Rowland '37
- Mary Bucksbaum Scanlan '91
- Charlene Solow Schwartz '54
- Anne Michie Sherman '43
- Silverthorne Charitable Remainder Unitrust
- Henry Dale Smith, Jr. and Deborah Klang Smith P '05
- Starr Foundation
- Nicholas A. Stephens '77 and Lisa Kunstadter
- Rebecca B. Stickney '43
- Mary Hammond Storer '46
- David D. Walter P'16
- Dotha Seaverns Welbourn '41
- Estate of J. Humphrey Wilkinson P '45
- Penelope Perkins Wilson '45
- Winston Foundation