David Anderegg: Related Content

“If you have a passion for a field, use your time in college to pursue that, whether or not you think you’re going to get a job in it,” said Katie Marsh ’12.

Psychology faculty member David Anderegg spoke at the TEDx Conference in Brussels, Belgium, last month on the growing culture of anti-intellectualism in America—a topic central to his critically acclaimed 2008 book Nerds: Who They Are and Why We Need More of Them.

As the founder of the international youth activist organization Paint the World, Lika Torikashvili ’22 has balanced her studies at Bennington College with time spent building relationships abroad—including a leave of absence during which she served as Georgia’s United Nations Youth Delegate to the 73rd session of the General Assembly.

Several Bennington students have presented work this month at community events around the region.

Faculty member David Anderegg on assignments and fashionable diagnoses, by Briee Della Rocca

In November, Public Seminar, an on-line forum hosted by the New School for Social Research, posted an opinion piece by David Anderegg called "From A Despised Elitist." The forum promotes work that confronts "the pressing issues of the day and fundamental problems of the human condition." In the article, Anderegg discusses the liberal/conservative divide from a psychological perspective.

When a New York Times reporter reached out to psychology faculty member David Anderegg for a story on America's need for more "cool nerds"—young people who can meld computing skills with other fields—Anderegg pointed out one obvious problem.

Faculty member David Anderegg spoke with CNN about parental anxiety in the aftermath of the San Bernardino attacks.

Bennington psychology faculty member David Anderegg will read from his new book Nerds: Who They Are and Why We Need More of Them at the Northshire Bookstore in Manchester, Vermont on Thursday, May 15, 2008.