Young Writers Awards
About the Young Writers Awards
Bennington College has given many of our nation’s foremost writers their start. They include twelve Pulitzer Prize winners, three U.S. poet laureates, four MacArthur Geniuses, and authors of countless New York Times bestsellers. In celebration of this legacy, Bennington launched the Young Writers Awards to promote outstanding writing achievement at the high school level. High school students worldwide are invited to enter.

Young Writers Awards Contest
Students in the 9th–12th grades can submit poetry, a short story, or an essay by November 1. A first, second, and third place winner is selected in each category and awarded cash prizes and scholarships.

Academics at Bennington
Literature studies at Bennington are grounded in the idea that good writers are good readers. Bennington undergraduates can apply to participate in the Bennington Writing Seminars, one of the best respected MFAs in writing, through the Undergraduate Writing Fellowship.
Literature Outside the Classroom

As the steward of the Robert Frost Stone House Museum, Bennington is committed to maintaining and growing Robert Frost’s literary legacy in Southern Vermont and beyond.

Throughout the year, Bennington College welcomes prominent writers and alumni to campus for events like readings by the Ben Belitt Distinguished Visiting Writer, Literature Evenings, Poetry at Bennington, and the Writers Reading Series.

Students at Bennington are invited to contribute to SILO, the student literary and arts magazine. Bennington Review, a national biannual literary journal based at the College, provides students an opportunity to help edit and produce a professional print literary magazine.