Bennington Connects Alumni Directory
(Re) connect with alumni in your region, profession, and passions, and offer to mentor students and other alumni in career transition.
What is the Bennington Connects Alumni Directory?
The College has a web-based and mobile app (available for iOS and Android devices) which will allow you to:
- Find Bennington people wherever you are in the world
- Connect with Bennington alumni in your profession / discipline
- Look up alumni in the directory
- Offer and seek career guidance
- Resume/portfolio review
- Connect with current students and other alumni, from brief chats to long-term mentoring and group connections
- Job listings
- Join and create groups

How do I get started?
Create an account with your name, email, and password. If you had registered for the former Bennington Alumni App, you must re-register. If the email you use to make an account is in our database, your account will automatically be approved. If you make an account with an email that is not in our database, it will take one to three business days for your account to be approved.
Web: Go to
Step 1: Go to App store to ‘Graduway Community’
Step 2: Download app
Step 3 (optional): Enable auto update
Step 4: Search for Bennington College
Step 5: Sign in/Register
Step 1: Go to App Store
Step 2: Download "Bennington Alumni" app
Step 3 (optional): Enable auto update
Step 4: Sign in /Register
Login in through your LinkedIn account.
I have a Bennington Alumni account. Do I have to re-register?
Yes. Much of your personal and professional information will be pre-populated when you register, but you must create a new account for Bennington Connects.
Is my personal information and home address visible?
No. Professional information and general location is the only information that is visible to other alumni. You may see your home information in your profile, but that is only visible to you.
I’ve logged on and my personal and/or professional information is out of date.
If your information is out of date, you can update it directly on the app.
Who can use Bennington Connects? Is it secure?
Only verified Bennington College alumni, students, faculty, and staff can access the community. All data transmitted to Bennington Connects is encrypted.
I attended Bennington but did not obtain a degree. Can I access the directory?
As long as you attended Bennington for at least two terms and the College has you in its database, you are considered an alum of Bennington.
What if I don’t want to be a part of the app?
We are sorry to see you go, but we understand if you do not want to be a part of the app. You can do this one of two ways:
- You can download the app and simply hide your profile under setting, allowing you to still access some features of the app.
- You can opt out by emailing and have your profile completely removed (removing your access to the app as well).
Any other questions, comments, or suggestions?
Please email