Bennington’s alumni and family volunteers support the College in a dynamic range of ways: Some participate in formal volunteer programs, while others share their time and talents informally, working on short-term activities or a single event. Below, we’ve outlined a number of different volunteer opportunities. Please contact Alumni Relations, or the Alumni Cooperative Steering Committee to discuss the opportunities that best suit your interests.

The Admissions staff aims to attract the most engaged, creative, and unique students to Bennington College, and alumni and parents can support their efforts in the following ways:
- Share admissions materials with counselors at local independent or public high schools or with prospective students. Email us to request Bennington’s most recent admissions packet;
- Talk up Bennington to high school students, parents, and grandparents as well as your friends, coworkers, and acquaintances;
- Meet a counselor traveling in your region. Admissions counselors regularly travel throughout the country, and the international admissions staff meets with students and secondary schools in Europe, Asia, the Middle East, and Africa. Email Admissions if you would like to meet with a counselor.
Time commitment: Varies depending on level of involvement.
Contact Admissions if you would like to be involved as a volunteer or have other ideas or questions.
Alumni Cooperative

The Alumni Cooperative is a revitalized alumni structure that deepens the ways in which alumni are involved in the life of the College. In addition to the regional programs that have been established in Boston; Los Angeles; New York City; Portland, OR; San Francisco Bay Area; Seattle; and Washington, DC, the College and Co-ops are developing ways, both virtually, and in person, that all alumni can engage with the Alumni Cooperative, whether they live in these cities or not.
All alumni are encouraged to share their work, invite others to see their work, help to organize gatherings and outings, and participate in a variety of programs. We have developed a long list of program ideas, but hope that these are built and executed in partnership with you.
Field Work Term

Through seven-week full-time work experiences during Field Work Term (FWT), students gain confidence and practical knowledge in their chosen fields. Alumni and family members have provided FWT positions, connections for students, or housing throughout the College's 80-year history.
If you might be interested in working with a Bennington student, please read the Information for FWT Employers and contact the FWT office with any work opportunities.

The Office of Institutional Advancement welcomes involvement in seeking alumni and parent support for The Bennington Fund, the fund that annually supports all aspects of the College. Participation is a critical benchmark for foundations as they consider making grants to the College and all gifts are a signal of confidence in Bennington's approach to a liberal arts education. Each academic year, more than a third of the College’s expenses will be covered by private philanthropy from alumni, family, and friends, past and present.
Alumni and family are compelling advocates for the College, making peer solicitations an effective way to seek gifts. Please contact Institutional Advancement for more information on fundraising for Bennington.
Regional Events

Events help to foster the connections between alumni and with the College. Bennington hosts a number of small and large events in major metropolitan cities for social gatherings and to showcase faculty, alumni, or staff presentations/performances throughout the year. The Alumni Relations Office also supports alumni who wish to self-organize events in their region or host virtual events. The following are just a few of the ways volunteers can be involved:
- College-organized events in major metropolitan areas: assist with programming ideas, suggest venues, encourage attendance among alumni, or serve on a host committee;
- Alumni-organized regional or virtual gatherings: coordinate a cocktail party at a bar or restaurant; gather alumni to see a performance or discussion; host a potluck dinner or brunch at your home; or organize a virtual event; or suggest programming for a virtual event. The College can provide email lists and name tags, technical support for a virtual event, and, depending on timing and location, send a Bennington faculty or staff member to attend the event to provide updates from campus.
- Provide a venue to gather alumni, parents, and students to talk with prospective students and their families.
Please contact Alumni Relations, for further information or to plan an event.