Anthropology: Related Content

Yami Antonio ’25 studies Psychology and Anthropology at Bennington. She spent her summer Field Work Term in Kuala Lumpur and Penang as a student ethnographic researcher for the Consortium of Forced Migration, Displacement and Education.

The Vermont Academy of Arts and Sciences (VAAS) inducted four new fellows for 2024, including anthropologist and Bennington College faculty member Miroslava (Mirka) Prazak.

Bennington College was on the ground in Dubai as the 28th round of UN sponsored climate negotiations got underway.

Faculty member Noah Coburn is a 2022-2023 recipient of The Fulbright Global Scholar Award, which will allow him to focus on the teaching of conflict using interdisciplinary methods at liberal arts-style universities in three very different post-conflict settings: Fulbright University Vietnam, Leuphana University of Lüneburg, Germany, and RIT Kosovo (formerly the American University of Kosovo).

Isha Shah ’22 discusses her Field Work Term internship for Lever’s Bennington County Intrapreneur Challenge.
By Mary Brothers '22

Meet faculty member Noah Coburn, who is teaching Social Inquiry in an Age of Upheaval as part of the Bennington Early College Program.

“We love working with Bennington, and we would love to have more students join us,” said Donnica Wingett of Safe Passage/Camino Seguro. “It says something when someone comes from so far away and looks our kids and moms in the eyes and says, ‘Hey, how are you? I care.’”

Students in Mirka Prazak's Fall 2018 course Studying Place by Metes and Bounds were published in a special issue of the Bennington Museum's Walloomsack Review.

An online forum of scholarly essays co-edited by faculty member David Bond examines the stark social divides being exposed with Donald Trump’s contentious rise to power.

The Diplomat published an opinion piece by Noah Coburn about the decreasing confidence many Afghans feel for their government and the possibility of change.

Mirka Prazak's ethnography, Making the Mark: Identity, and Genital Cutting, which weaves together a rich mosaic of the voices contributing to the debate over this life-altering ritual, has been favorably reviewed by CHOICE magazine.

Anthropology faculty member Miroslava Prazak's recently published book on female genital cutting, Making the Mark: Gender, Identity, and Genital Cutting, was selected for the Washington Post's fourth annual TMC African Politics Summer Reading Spectacular.

The London School of Economics and Political Science featured a glowing review of Mirka Prazak's Making the Mark on their blog.

On the eve of the presidential inauguration, a top journal in American anthropology has published a collection of essays, co-edited by Associate Director of the Center for the Advancement of Public Action David Bond, which raises new questions about the rise of Trump and the current state of American politics. The collection features work from leading anthropologists who offer provocative reflections on the culture of Trump and popular misconceptions of class and race today. These wide-ranging essays offer bold new interpretations of solidarity, hate and the future of American democracy.

This summer five Bennington students from Bosnia explored the intersections between peacebuilding and theater through their work with The Center for Peacebuilding (CIM) in Sanski Most, Bosnia and Herzegovina. Now, they are bringing what they’ve learned back to Bennington. They will present their work at the Peacebuilding in Action panel on October 1 at the Center for the Advancement of Public Actions (CAPA).

Anthropology faculty member Miroslava Prazak published a new book on female genital cutting, Making the Mark: Gender, Identity, and Genital Cutting, in which she weaves together a rich mosaic of the voices contributing to the debate over this life-altering ritual.

Noah Coburn’s work in anthropology was featured in an article about the danger that a damaged economy can present to small villages in Afghanistan, a danger that can rival even that of war. The author of the article quoted passages from Coburn’s 2011 ethnography, Bazaar Politics: Power and Pottery in an Afghan Market Town.

Faculty member Noah Coburn published an opinion piece on the need for better cooperation and transparency, via the Kathmandu Post. He argues that Both Nepal and the governments of donor countries have failed to provide any protection for migrant workers.

Community, Climate and Geopolitics in the Svalbard Archipelago
Thesis by Alexander "Sandy" Curth '16

Mint Use as Measurement for the Current Status of Mapuche Medicine in Northwestern Patagonia
Thesis by Tessalyn Morrison '16

Noah Coburn published an opinion piece in the Globe and Mail arguing that if Canada and the U.S. are going to continue to rely heavily on security and other contractors, they must examine the human and political cost.

David Bond is a cultural anthropologist specializing in the study of crude oil, the environment, and science. He is a faculty member and senior associate at Bennington’s Center for the Advancement of Public Action, where he continues to work at the intersection of hydrocarbon disasters and governable forms of life.

Poet Anaïs Duplan '14 spoke with PBS NewsHour about about his work delving into the history of Mary Bowser, a Civil War spy.

Noah Coburn spoke to BTWBerkshires about his new book, Losing Afghanistan: An Obituary for the Intervention, recently published by Stanford University Press, and his longtime work in that country studying the effects and conditions of war.

Faculty member Noah Coburn was recently quoted in a New York Times article about Afghans' increasing reliance on the Taliban to settle justice disputes.

A multimedia exhibition offering a complex portrait of modern Afghanistan through photographs, paintings, text, and video, opens with a reception and artist’s talk.

Faculty member Noah Coburn has been monitoring Afghanistan’s upcoming presidential election with a team of Afghan researchers in Kabul.

Cecilia María Salvi is a Ph.D. candidate in cultural anthropology at The Graduate Center, CUNY. She studies the artistic and literary movement of editoriales cartoneras in Latin America.

Prazak teaches anthropology and African studies, specializing in economic development and cultural change in East Africa, using multidisciplinary research strategies to address globalization, inequality, culturally-based ways of knowing, gender-based violence, and politics of the body.

Rebecca Dinkel is an anthropologist specializing in Mesoamerican indigenous cultures and histories and the culture of public health. She uses multidisciplinary approaches from cultural, visual, and linguistic anthropology.