Faculty News

Image of Amie McClellan McClellan Receives $237,000 Grant for Bioresearch

Biology faculty member Amie McClellan has been awarded a $237,000 grant from the National Institutes of Health (NIH) to support her continued research on a cellular protein that may have therapeutic implications for various types of cancer.

Art Institute of Chicago Deschenes in the AIC's Modern Wing

A series of photos by faculty member Liz Deschenes were selected for the first-ever photography exhibition to run in the new Modern Wing of the Art Institute of Chicago.

Image of Elizabeth Coleman President Coleman's Update on Bennington and the Economy

In early March, I wrote a letter expressing our confidence in Bennington's capacity to come through the current economic crisis and that the national environment was likely to get worse before it gets better.

Public Enemies cover Williamson Performs on 'Public Enemies' Soundtrack

Music faculty member Bruce Williamson can be heard performing the jazz classic "Bye Bye Blackbird" with Diana Krall on the soundtrack for Public Enemies, a new movie starring Johnny Depp, Christian Bale and Marion Cotillard. He also played on the soundtrack for the recent PBS documentary, Antonia Pantoja ¡Presente!

Image of Mansour Farhang Media Turns to Farhang as Iranian Crisis Intensifies


Faculty member Mansour Farhang appeared on Aljazeera.net this week to discuss fallout from the disputed presidential election in Iran.