Alumni News

Holland Taylor Taylor '64 to Star in Upcoming NBC Comedy

Tony Nominee Holland Taylor ’64 has landed a leading role in the upcoming NBC pilot, Guess Who Died.

The Sky is Yours “A Cracked Mirror to Our World”

The Sky Is Yours, the debut novel by Chandler Klang Smith ’05, is receiving national recognition as one of 2018’s great reads.

Photograph by Sally Mann "A Thousand Crossings"

The first major survey of celebrated photographer Sally Mann '73 to travel internationally investigates how Mann's relationship with her native land–a place rich in literary and artistic traditions but troubled by history–has shaped her work.

sean patrick o'brien head shot ZAMBONI

A play by Sean-Patrick O’Brien ’14 received an Honorable Mention in the American Playwright Foundation’s 2017 Relentless Awards.

christine mangan “A Trailblazer for the Next Generation”

Cynthia D’Aprix Sweeney MFA ’13 nominated Christine Mangan MFA '04 for Newsweek’s special feature on “Women of the Future,” which asked 20 prominent women to each nominate an up-and-comer they believe will be a trailblazer for the next generation.