Student News

Jacob Nirgo's exhibitions in Paris Nigro ’16 in Paris E-Art Exhibition

Jonah Nigro '16 is one of a group of international artists whose work will be displayed on digital screens around Paris for the first Parisian exhibition of animated GIFs. The exhibition, organized by Balibart Gallery, will run through June 10. An article on the exhibition states that Nigro is considered among the best digital illustrators in the world.

3D Digital: Here and Now Opens at the Bennington Museum Collaboration with Bennington Museum: 3D Digital

Co-organized by faculty member Jon Isherwood and Bennington Museum curator Jamie Franklin, 3D Digital: Here and Now is a collaboration between Bennington College and the Bennington Museum that highlights artists, designers, and manufacturers whose work exploits the potential of new technologies to push material practice. The exhibition runs through June 15.

Asad Malik delivering his TEDx talk Hacking for Change

Asad Malik ’19 began his Field Work Term in Libya and finished it in Silicon Valley, all in pursuit of his goal to effect social change through technology.

Caroline Stinger during her FWT The Politics Knitwear

Caroline Stinger ’16 was thrown into the midst of presidential politics this Field Work Term, when she was commissioned by a celebrity to make a sweater for a Bernie Sanders rally.

Smithsonian logo Folklife and Stagelife

Students make news for their FWT jobs at cultural institutions: Carling Berkhout ’19 in The Manchester Journal about the Smithsonian Institution’s Center for Folklife and Cultural Heritage, Sarah Jack ’17 in the Bennington Banner about Hubbard Hall in Cambridge, NY, and Sam Wood ’19 in the Cape Cod Times about the Wellfleet Harbor Actors Theatre.