Marguerite Feitlowitz: Related Content

The Spring 2024 issue of (m)othertongues has launched, featuring student works in prose, poetry, and the visual arts.

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The Spring 2022 issue of (M)othertongues has launched, featuring student prose, poetry, and artwork.

The National Endowment for the Arts has announced that Marguerite Feitlowitz will receive a Literature Translation Fellowship of $12,500. This Fellowship will support the translation into English of two books by Chilean poet Ennio Moltedo.

Faculty member Marguerite Feitlowitz published "A Tale of Survival," a review of Sergio Bitar's Prisoner of Pinochet: My Year in a Chilean Concentration Camp, through ReVista, the Harvard Review of Latin America.

In Entropy Mag, faculty member Marguerite Feitlowitz shares a personal perspective on writing and literary translation.

Literature faculty member Marguerite Feitlowitz’s translated autobiography of Mexican writer Salvador Novo, which includes 19 translated sonnets, recounts Novo's coming-of-age amidst the violent Mexican Revolution and offers a history of his passions—both literary and otherwise. Published this spring by University of Texas Press, Pillar of Salt is "nothing short of beautiful," wrote critic Micah McCrary in his review.

As Bennington begins the second half of the Fall 2020 term, we reflect on the ways our community has adapted to learning and living on campus and beyond this fall—and the experiences, successes, and moments of joy along the way.

Faculty member Marguerite Feitlowitz has just published a translation and introduction of "Four Poems from Night" by Chilean poet Ennio Moltedo for Delos: A Journal of Translation and World Literature.

Faculty member Marguerite Feitlowitz recently published translations of poems by the Chilean poet Ennio Moltedo and French writer Liliane Atlan in Asymptote Journal, World Literature Today, and Exchanges: Journal of Literary Translation.

Faculty member Marguerite Feitlowitz's translation of Luisa Valenzuela's hybrid text, "If Language Is the Abode of the Self," is featured in the "Nuevísimos" issue of Review: Literature and Arts of the Americas, Vol. 51, No. 1, published in June 2018.

Marguerite Feitlowitz's translation of The Other Book by Luisa Valenzuela, one of Argentina's most prominent writers and literary activists, appears in the Summer/Fall 2018 issue of The Southampton Review.

Bruna Dantas Lobato '15 interviewed faculty member Marguerite Feitlowitz for Exchanges Literary Journal as part of a series on translators who also teach.

Catapult—a premier online literary journal—has published Marguerite Feitlowitz's Spanish-to-English translation of a story by Luisa Valenzuela called "Phone Call From Hell." Valenzuela is a major Argentine novelist, short story writer, and the current President of Argentine PEN.

Marguerite Feitlowitz was on a panel at the annual Association of Writers and Writing Programs (AWP) in February, called "Tipping the Scales: Addressing Gender Imbalance in Literature in Translation,” which was highlighted on Words Without Borders.

Marguerite Feitlowitz was interviewed by Andrew Graham-Yooll in Página12 as an expert on the subject of the language of dictatorship on how she came to focus her work on Argentina’s history.

In his column in the Buenos Aires Herald, celebrated journalist and human rights hero Robert Cox dubbed faculty member Marguerite Feitlowitz's book on Argentina's infamous Dirty War "the most important book to appear so far on the consequences of the vicious cycle of terror and violence that enveloped Argentina in the 1970s."

Marguerite Feitlowitz, faculty member in literature, was interviewed about her book, A Lexicon of Terror: Argentina and the Legacies of Torture, which explores the verbal atrocities of the 1976-1983 military dictatorship, in in the Buenos Aires Herald.

Faculty member Marguerite Feitlowitz spoke with KPFA Radio on the anniversary of the "Dirty War" coup in Argentina, which coincided with President Obama's visit last month.

Marguerite Feitlowitz pens an essay in Words Without Borders about teaching in translation.